How to build Apache Mesos on Mac

Today I tried to build Apache Mesos on my Macbook Pro, although it’s fairly simple there are just a few gotchas.

So decided to put the steps here:

1, Clone the code (git clone

2, Install homebrew (

3, Add homebrew taps:

% brew tap homebrew/versions

% brew tap homebrew/science

% brew tap homebrew/apache

4, Install libtool, svn and apr libraries

% brew install libtool svn apr

5, Install automake112 (which installs autoconf as well)

% brew install automake112

6, Symlink automake112 to automake, and aclocal112 to aclocal

% ln -sf automake112 /usr/local/bin/automake

% ln -sf aclocal112 /usr/local/bin/aclocal

7, And finally build (creating a seperate folder to not generate files in the main dir)!

% ./bootstrap && mkdir build && cd build && ../configure && make install

That’s all that you need to do!

9 thoughts on “How to build Apache Mesos on Mac

  1. I am getting an error while running ../configure. Can some one help. Error is:

    configure: error: cannot find libsvn_subr-1 headers
    libsubversion-1 is required for mesos to build.

    1. Hi knoxxs, this post is outdated as the latest 0.21.0 release adds two more dependencies. You need to do few more steps now:
      1. Add brew taps versions and apache
      2. brew install subversion
      3. brew install apr
      4. When running configure, pass one more flag to it: –with-svn=/usr/local

      These steps should make mesos build when you run make

  2. After following your updated instructions, I got these error messages :
    configure: error: cannot find libapr-1 headers
    libapr-1 is required for mess to build.

    I already install subversion and apr… Can some one help?

  3. Hi Jikang,

    Not sure if you have already resolved this problem or not.

    I found this thread while having the same problem as you mentioned. The trick was to use the –with-apr flag and point it to the “brew” installed location.

    For example, the following worked for me :-

    ../configure –with-svn=/usr/local/Cellar/subversion/1.8.13/ –with-apr=/usr/local/Cellar/apr/1.5.2/libexec/

    Let me know otherwise.


    1. We made some improvements in the autoconf configuration, and should actually automatically figure out where the libraries are if you’re on latest version.

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